Installing 8086 Assembler on a Computer

Installing 8086 Assembler In Windows



Step1:Download emu8086 software from

Step2:open it after installation and start writing your codes

Step3:Click Compile to assemble it


Installing 8086 Assembler In Ubuntu



for the Linux Ubuntu users you type the following code in the terminal and hit enter to download the Dos Box for the Ubuntu:
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install dosbox

Download the Tasm folder from

After downloading the TASM Folder for the linux extract the file to any destination folder and open it. You can mount as:

 mount c /home/your extracted location

for assembling a program file within the Tasm folder type

tasm filename.asm

for linking the program file to generate object

tlink filename.obj

for executing the program type

In this way you can assemble the 8086 programs using the DOSBox .
Similarly you can download and run the 8085 emulator and use it.


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